Announcements for 11/29

  1. Don’t forget that the response paper over “13th” is due tomorrow, Wednesday the 30th, at 5pm on Blackboard. This is extra credit, so the assignment is optional.
  2. The quiz on Thursday will be multiple choice and a short essay. The essay will address black soldiers in the Union army (use both lecture notes and the textbook to prepare). The multiple choice questions will be pretty basic, but do make sure you know the total number of Civil War deaths (the revised number, not the older number).
  3. Most of you need to write your final book review over the Lemann text. If you want me to look at a draft in advance, please email it to me with a couple of days notice. The final review is due on Friday, December 9, at 2pm.
  4. If you are coming on the field trip, make sure you print out and sign the waiver form; UCA requires this for liability purposes.

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